Friday, September 13, 2024

Dreams don’t work unless you do

You might have heard this quote many times while growing up and it is something all of us agree with. If you have nurtured a dream but have pushed it away due to the burden of responsibilities, now is the time to work on your dreams and build your life.


You are never too old to chase your dreams or change your life. As a little girl, if you dreamt of walking on the ramp or being a beauty queen, that dream that become your reality. Mrs India International Queen is a beauty pageant organised for married women in the world and you can participate from anywhere. There is no swimsuit round in the pageant and it is open for women of all ages.


To be a part of Mrs India 2025, fill the registration form and submit two photographs, you then need to appear for an audition and be a part of the 3-day training to learn from industry experts. This pageant is also a chance for you to be a part of the modelling and Bollywood industry.


It is a chance for you to build friendships that last a lifetime, learn from experts who have struggled but made it big and inspire other women like you to step out of their homes. As Mrs India Universal, you will represent the country, your face will be on magazine covers and your voice and presence will make all the difference. If this is the life you dreamt of, take the first step towards making it your reality.

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